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Develop Website for Musicians

develop website for musicians

Whether you are just starting out as a musician or you have been playing for some time and realise it’s time to upgrade your internet presence, You undoubtedly want to know what should be on a music website. Having a website is very necessary for a musician’s success in internet marketing. Artists may distribute their songs on websites and customise their messaging to their own specifications. The responsibility for spreading the word about an artist lay with third parties prior to the change of ownership from labels to artists. Now, musicians may immediately connect with their potential audience through their website and have almost complete control over the information they give. You may learn how to build a website for musicians here, along with the elements that contribute to a website’s success.

This in-depth manual will teach you how to build a music website that will appeal to both fans and industry insiders, increasing your fan base as your musical career develops.

What is a music website?

Most professional musicians and groups use their music websites as online resumes, but they have so much more potential. It serves as a hub where listeners from across the world may find out about coming concerts, hear your music, and get to know the person who creates it.
Every music website is different and will exhibit distinctive design elements that express your musical individuality. It can include components that will market your music, sell songs, expand your audience, and engage with your fans, depending on where your career is at.

Advantages of Creating a Website for Musicians

Whether you’re a band or a single artist, building a music website is a great effort. Having a website for promoting your music can help you increase your fan base, get more performances, and improve your reputation, much as when beginning a business. Consider the advantages you could obtain from your website before you begin building it.

Good PR

The hardest aspect of working in the music business is getting gigs, deals, and press. You may get more leads, get replies more quickly, and establish your professionalism by having a music website. The best approach for booking agencies to determine whether you’re a good fit to work with them or to provide the press with a thorough bundle of information is to give visitors lots of information about you and your music.

Boost your fan base

You may keep your fans informed by uploading updates, tour dates, and mp3 samples. By doing this, you’ll boost participation and foster loyalty among your fan base. Not to add, you can count on these admirers to tell their friends the domain name of your website in our quick-to-share social media world. This digital word-of-mouth tool can raise your music’s online sales and show attendance.

Sell your Music

Of course, there are other motivations for composing music outside financial gain, but many musicians harbour sales-related aspirations. You may sell tracks straight to your followers online by submitting them to your music website. Another method to share your music with followers if it’s already available on a third-party app is to include a Spotify playlist or songs from your iTunes library.

Building Website for Musicians

This in-depth guide will teach you how to build a music website that will appeal to both fans and industry insiders, increasing your fan base as your musical career progresses.

How to create a website for musicians

1. Select a template for a music website:

Pick a template for your music website first that matches your sound. A website template may be as customizable as you’d want, but it also allows you to select a stylish, contemporary design and add your music, photographs, and text to it.

2. Insert a header image

By giving visitors a taste of what your music sounds like, your artist’s image is a fantastic method to engage them right away. Make the most of this by locating a top-notch picture to be placed in your website template’s header region.

Optimal picture sizes:

With room around the boundaries of the subject, a landscape-style photo is ideal. When selecting a website template, you will have the most freedom if you do this, and your image will be optimised for mobile devices. So that it may be cropped if necessary, choose a high-quality image.

It’s okay if you don’t yet have a great artist image. A huge written title or logo at the top of your page to draw attention is still an effective choice when creating a music website. You should also employ graphics frequently.

3. Select your fonts and colours

You should think about your font and color selections if you want to tailor the look of your website to fit your brand.

You should think about your font and colour selections if you want to tailor the look of your website to fit your brand.

Furthermore, you may alter the fonts and colour schemes of your website template to fit your artistic persona and conform the layout to your brand.

Use just a Few Primary Colors:

You and your music should be the main focus of your website. Pick a few primary colours, and be sure to apply them consistently on the whole website, to prevent distraction from this emphasis. If you’re just starting off, go with a neutral colour scheme and allow your photographs to provide some more colour. Add the unique colours from your header picture to your sections, titles, and buttons if they go well with your design.

Simple to Read:

Verify again that you can read the content on every page and in every section once you’ve picked the colours for your website. Black writing on a white backdrop or vice versa serves as an iconic illustration of contrast. You should make sure that your show’s information is simple to access, your music is simple to listen to, and your text is simple to read.

Choosing Simple Fonts:

Maintain consistency with your website’s typography as well. Throughout all of your pages, use the same content font you’ve chosen. If you use several font colours in your parts, this is extremely crucial. For clarity, consider adopting a plain serif font for all of your website’s text.

4. Setup the website’s Navigation

Making it simple for visitors to interact with the content and establish future connections should be a clear objective when developing a music website. Make sure your website’s navigation is simple and straightforward to provide users with the best possible experience.

Numerous people visiting your website could be doing it for the first time. To make your website easy to navigate, you must have a menu that is easy to find. Your website’s navigation should be placed in either a vertical side menu or a horizontal list that covers the page.

As a general guideline, keep your menu’s pages to 8 or fewer to avoid cluttering it up or providing too many options at once. Keep things organised by adding sub-pages that follow from the “main” website page if you have extra material.

5. Make the pages for your music website.

You may start building the pages for your music website as soon as you have your template, design, and page structure in place.

If you have a lot of information and music to present, don’t feel overwhelmed; break it down page by page to create a music website that is professional, organised, and expresses your career or current project.

Home Page

Your website’s homepage should provide visitors with a quick overview of who you are and what you’re up to. Introduce yourself with a big primary image, and then provide further information as context.

Start by including a relevant call to action to see your most recent video, purchase your most recent album, or schedule a performance. Then include some consistent material on your homepage. Several tunes, your social media, and streaming links, a mailing list sign-up form, and your musician profile, and these may all be included. Since your homepage receives the greatest traffic on your website, you should pick the material with care and refresh it frequently.

About Page

Potential new admirers may learn more about you by reading your whole biography on the About page. The media and other professionals in the field may learn more about your history and achievements here as well.

Your musician bio can be presented on this page in a variety of formats. Make it simple for conferences, festivals, and media sources to copy and paste the information they need. Each of these venues has various needs for artist information. It’s also a fantastic area to upload a picture of you or your band that isn’t on your homepage.

Store Page

Purchasing straight from an artist’s website, commission-free provides fans with a practical option to support their favourite performers. You may do that on your dedicated Store page. On your own music website, you may sell anything you want, including T-shirts, mugs, stickers, and digital products like lyric books, sheet music, PDFs, lessons, and more.

See also: How To Design An E-Commerce Website For Your Business.

Photos Page

It’s no secret that music enthusiasts like looking at pictures of the bands they adore. Fans will stay on your website longer if you have a Photos page. Additionally, this is an excellent chance for you to highlight various aspects of your personality and demonstrate your involvement in music.

Make distinct galleries to display your promotional photographs, live performances, studio images, or musical collaborations in order to keep your photos organised.

Shows Page

An Events or Shows page is another crucial component of your music website if you’re a performing artist. Fans may find out more about your forthcoming shows, including show hours, cover costs, opening acts, and the location, on this special website. On this website, you may also sell tickets directly for your performances.

A live video, newspaper quotes, or performance images can be used to complete your page of performances.

Contact Page

Make sure your music website has a contact page. Making this page the final menu item makes it simple for website visitors to contact you.

Include information about the best ways to contact you for bookings, media requests, and fan communication when creating your contact page. Use a custom form with fields asking for certain data to be filled out, assemble the information into a nice email, and have it delivered straight to you.

Give fans more methods to get in touch with you by including your social media handles and a mailing list sign-up form on your contact page.

6. Add an EPK

Your EPK, or electronic press kit, is another vital component of your music website. Create an EPK to gather information in one place for the media and promoters if you’re actively marketing a new album, trying to get coverage for your music, or wanting to schedule additional shows.

Your artist’s EPK has to include the following:

Artist bio: Describe yourself as an artist in two different lengths in your EPK. In this approach, the ideal bio for any venue or promoter may be used with ease.

Photos: Provide both vertical and horizontal versions of a selection of your most recent advertising images. If you want to acquire attention for a new release, you can also post your album cover artwork for music critics.

Music: Provide links to Spotify or Apple Music on your EPK so that people may listen to your music on their favorite streaming service. Include explicit information about who to contact in case a reviewer wishes to download the entire album.

Videos: One or two of your greatest videos should be embedded. To help customers understand what to anticipate from your live act, provide high-quality live footage in your EPK if you want to book additional performances. Embed your most well-liked music video or the video for your most recent single if you want to gain publicity or feedback for your music.

7. Choosing a domain name

You’ll need to select the website address, or domain name, once you’ve constructed your music website, complete with design, pages, and content. With a personalised domain name, you may control a little portion of the Internet for your music and brand, so pick wisely.

Although the existence of alternative domain extensions, purchasing a “.com” remains standard practice. If your band can’t find, consider or to maintain brand coherence.

If you currently have a domain name, you may always maintain it and use your website host to direct visitors to your music website. For an added sense of professionalism, you can also establish a unique band email address using your domain name.

See also:

How to choose a domain name?

What is a domain name extension?

How Much Does a Domain Name Cost?

8. Optimise the SEO of your website

You must make sure that your website is simple to find if you want to increase traffic. SEO is helpful in this situation.

Millions of companies utilise SEO, a very efficient technology that is free, to increase traffic to their websites. It’s a terrific approach for musicians to engage with fans and encourage them to explore their content and listen to their music.

Put your website’s URL on all of your social media pages, the websites of the places you perform, and your business cards to market it. This creates the knowledge panel that shows in Google and positions your website as the primary online destination for your music.

See Also:

How to Redesign a Website Without Losing SEO

6 Ways to Optimize Your Site Structure for SEO

Final Thoughts

Any musician who wants to do anything with music, from giving lessons to releasing singles to selling older albums to applying for grants or festivals, needs a good music website. This tutorial on how to create a website for musicians is meant to walk you through the process of building a website that promotes your music and brand online.

Do you want help to develop a website? Contact us:

See also:

How To Create A Website? 10 Steps For Beginners

How Create Influencers Website