Analyse all website pages

Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to see which pages on your site rank highest and which are most  visited


 Set-Up 301 Redirects

When you use a 301, you keep most of the SEO value attributed to the old page by transferring it to your new page.


 Rewrite or combine page content

Check out the rest of the pages that didn't make it to the top. See if they can be modified in any way to get better results. 


 Check 404 errors

404 errors could lead to many users clicking off your page and switching to a competitor. 


 Keep an eye on internal linking

 Once you are done setting up redirects, you also need to fix your internal linking architecture.


 Monitor the changes

 It is extremely important to pay attention to the analytics after the redesign is complete.


 Audit Your New Website

 Before the website is launched or sent to the client for launch approval, create a seo audit report.


 To know more about  Website Redesigning
