Considering that mobile learning is booming and may reach over $280 billion by 2027, this makes a lot of sense.
Social learning
85% of the students use social learning strategies in their e-learning education.
Almost 80% of the learners like gamification, and it would be more productive and live if the institution implement Gamification
Video learning
E-learning video has a positive impact on students .91% of educational institutions agree that video increases' student satisfaction
It can help reduce costs by 30% and increase the speed of development by 300%. This practice includes infographics, images, podcasts, text, videos and more
Augmented & Virtual Reality
It can help reduce costs by 30% and increase the speed of development by 300%. This practice includes infographics, images, podcasts, text, videos and more
Artificial Intelligence
An AI-based e-learning platform is a machine/system that possesses the ability to perform different tasks requiring human intelligence.